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Career Of Abigail Oladoyin Onasanya

The family later moved to Kaduna where she traded in various commodities. She however, started a trend blazing fashion school called Abisan Fashion Institute along with a television program on fashion and style, which was a huge success.

In 1997 Oladoyin Aduke relocated to the U.K with her children where she successfully brought them up with the fear of God and high standard education. Whilst in the U.K, Oladoyin single handedly supported her children through their studies and career aspirations. She took up tailoring as a means to support her family, and as she did in Nigeria, excelled in her business endeavours. Despite all the challenges faced, her children never went a day without food, clothing or shelter, a true testament to her dedication, hard work and effort as a mother.

Oladoyin was a wise and caring woman and as such, she also cared, counseled and mentored many other children, including opening her heart and house to friends in need and family members.