About me


You were not a typical mother to me; you were my best friend and were always there for me through it all. I take comfort in knowing that you are up above looking over all of us. They say you can’t choose your family, but I will always be thankful to God for blessing me with a mother like you. I am glad I got to witness and feel a mother’s true love and I am proud of you and all the people you blessed while you were here! I miss you and will always love you.

Ayodeji Onasanya (Son)

My dearest mother, my confidant, my rock and my best friend! I miss you so much, each day since you passed has been difficult, my heart still aches in sadness, but I know I have to be strong especially for Tunde, Deji, Itunu and Taraoluwa. So much left un-said and undone, but lots of memories that will remain with me forever. Thank you for the sacrifices, secret prayers, selfless love, compassion, the wise words of advice, the laughs, and the chinwags. You were all about your children and you treated us equally and showed us so much love, I thank God for all that you taught me through the years, you instilled in me great family values, to be God-fearing, to endure in hard times, be ambitious, to live in peace and unity, to love, to have contentment and be generous. I am glad God gave you the grace to meet your granddaughter Taraoluwa and to have been able to spend months with her, but I am also sad that she would not grow up to spend time with you to experience and fully know what a great woman you were.
I am exceptionally proud to be your daughter and since your death, the glowing testimonies from people and hearing of the immense impact you had in other people’s lives, you sure were a precious gift from God, so much beauty, grace, love and patience you possessed. Your strength, smiles and words of encouragement on dark days made me realise I have an angel beside me. I am proud to have called you mum. Though short-lived, but I know you lived a fulfilled life, you were happy and proud of us, what we have achieved is all thanks to you. You were such a wise, intelligent and strong woman, I only pray I am half the woman you were. I love you to eternity mum; I will miss the hugs that I squirm about, your prayers that keeps me going, our misunderstanding that only brought us closer, and when you needed to calm me down, the Oriki you eloquently spew, and you just being on the other end of the phone to share my anxieties, while you uplift me. Be rest assured we will carry on with the exceptional legacy you have left behind and we will do our best to make you even more proud. Taraoluwa will know what an exceptional nana she had, the videos and pictures will serve as a constant reminder but more importantly the values and godly principles you taught me will surely be passed on to her. I promise to be the best mother to Taraoluwa as you were to me. Mum you were perfect, a real mother and a rare gem, you will forever have a special place in my heart.

Abigail Oladoyin Aduke may your soul rest in peace. Sun re ooo.

Your daughter and best friend Yemisi Towolawi

Dear mum, the pain I feel is unbearable I can not even begin to express how this has affected me, sometimes I feel angry and rage that you will not be around to see me become the woman you would have wanted me to be. Watching you pass away that dreadful evening, seeing the bright light in your eyes dim, holding you in my arms as you became lifeless will forever remain in my mind. I am however happy that you were not alone as you passed on, that you had someone who loved you by your side. I am sorry I could not help you regain consciousness. I know people say that there was nothing I could have done but it is hard to take it all in when you are the person who gave me life, nurtured me, supported me and believed in me even when I did not believe in myself, you put my siblings and I first before yourself that unconditional love, understanding and courage will never be forgotten. I will always remember you as a strong, loving and caring mother. I wish to become half the woman you were.
So many people love you and regard you as their “second mother” you had many kids outside of your own and you will forever be remembered by them all.
The unconditional love you showed us your children was truly felt by each and every one of us. Even the times we argued which was a great deal, but we always reconciled right after. I know I was a piece of work growing up and sometimes hard to bear, and some mothers would have probably given up but your determination to keep me on a straight and narrow path, your love and patience, I would forever cherish and for that I am grateful and I love you.
Mum you will truly be missed, I will miss our time together, those precious times we spent watching our Telenovela shows, and just talking and getting to know each other, the times we spent unburdening each other’s hearts to one another, and even our little cheeky takeaway nights. I love you so much mum I can’t even begin to put into words how much I love you and how much I am going to miss you.
I know you are in a better place and it is selfish of me to wish you here with me but it is so difficult and sometimes I wish I was where you are right now. I pray that God will give me strength to be able to live my life without self-destructing, I pray God will give me the strength you had and that God will put in me the same love and care you showed me to be able to reciprocate that to my own family.
Thanks for being my mother and thank you God for creating me through a wonderful woman.

Your baby daughter Itunu Elizabeth Onasanya

Dear Nana, Just when I was getting used to the warmth of sleeping on your chest and looking forward to spending precious moments with you, Mummy says you have gone to heaven, I don’t know what that means, but I am sure you will make lots of kids happy there as well as you made me happy. Thank you for the time we spent together, the sweet songs and the love you showed me. Your precious granddaughter Oluwatamilore.

Taraoluwa Neriah Towolawi

Mummy O, just when I was getting used to having two mums, just when I was getting used to seeing your amazing smile, just when I was getting used to watching Hollywood movies with you, just when I was getting used to your daily words of wisdom. In the very short time that you were a part of my life I learnt so much about tolerance, kindness and humility from you. I miss you so much and I am sorry I never got a chance to tell you how much it means to me that you treated me like I am your son and not just an in-law. Rest in peace mummy O, God needs you more.

Olanrewaju Towolawi

To my dear wife, Thank you for being a great wife and a mother to our children. You were the backbone of the family. What our children have achieved today is all down to your determination, sacrifice and hard work.
You live on in the stories those who knew you are sharing of how you touched their lives and made a lasting impact. I am grateful to God for the fulfilled life you lived and the legacies you left behind. Your death remains a shock to me but God knows best.
Sleep on my dear.

Owolabi Onasanya

death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 1 Corinthians: 15:55. Aunty Doyin I will forever miss you, Ibere, omo onigun nila, omo ala ile , kiwon to lako, a la ototo eniyan toko bo nila, obere la mu owo la eru, obere la mu owo ikan ya iwofa, obere la mu owo bobo ra agbari. Owo la fin pelu oka gbin nila, owo wa sile, oka wa hu sese, Omo ala here owo, sun re oo, odi gbere.osi opokela komo lagba ayona lowo omo amowo ikan ya iwofa omo amowo bobo ra gbahu beru ji awa ri oluwa re hu owa ri temi omo dabala osi oki po ke la koma ni ni gba ayonaa lowo omo onigbaje omo Onigba aritaka omo oni gba ewele. omo onire osin omo oba keyemo keyun kojoni bon yun omo agbota lowo ojo beki won nire won oni je beki won oni fun omo owu ni won fije ni ire modun omo abule sowo. Odi gbere oooooh.

Akogun Olayiwola Ayeni

A tribute to you Mum Oladoyin Abigail Ekunnrin Onasanya. You were such a loving mother and Aunt to us. The last time I saw you was September 1988 when you paid us a condolence visit some weeks after my late dad Olufemi Opeyemi Onasanya was brutally murdered in Nigeria. That visit really was very much appreciated as you showed so much empathy towards us during that time of grief. Another fantastic charisma displayed by you was to connect me back with my cousins (Tunde, Yemisi, Deji and Elizabeth Onasanya) during Late Uncle Dele Onasanya’s demise. You were not just a “Sweet Mother” but a “Peace Maker”. May your soul continue to rest in perfect peace. ADIEU MUMMY

Muyiwa Onasanya

In Loving Memory of my adopted aunty, One beautiful morning on Orsett Road in Grays over 15yrs ago, my attention was drawn to this elegant looking woman who was crossing the road to go into her car from the opposite side of the road. I thought, “Whaoooo!! this lady is tall and expensive looking. She must be here on holiday from Nigeria”. Before l could stop myself, l was in front of her, full of smiles, introducing myself and asking her questions about where she lives, if l could visit etc. I told her l admired her beauty and pleasantness from the distance and couldn’t help myself but to approach her. She smiled and said “Thank you, l live in Chafford Hundred with my children.”. We exchanged numbers and arranged to meet up that evening. I first met Yemisi before Tunde, Deji and ltunu. What beautiful children!! Well-mannered, achievers, lovely children in UK? We became close friends ever since. I adopted her as my big aunty. We used to spend a lot of time in her office at the back of the house with my friend Ada designing clothes, sharing fashion ideas, watching Naija movies, cracking jokes etc. The serious moments of our time together were usually in the living room. She had so much knowledge about academic matters and was very passionate about her children’s academic life. She guided me on choosing the right schools and courses for my children. I got very fond of her and respected her multi-tasking, hard working yet very humble personality. I had the opportunity to know her story even better when she involved me in the planning of her fabulous 50th birthday few years ago. My aunty as l always refer to her, will be greatly missed indeed. There was only one Ekunnrin Onasanya….Chief Mrs! A woman of Class. Beautiful…Elegant…Gentle… Kind…Thoughtful…Pleasant…intelligent…A mother in a million…A friend and sister…A Gentle Soul. May your Soul Rest in Peace. Adios Iya Oge! With Much Love and Respect.

Bisi Kola-Akinwale & Family

Sister-in-law, we accept your departure from this sinful world with a heavy heart. It was like a dream because we were expecting pleasantries of a good journey back to your base only to hear of your demise. We never thought this would happen in years to come. But are we to query God? As it is His will; our prayer is that you rest in the bosom of your Saviour. Adieu.

Tosin Onasanya

Sister Doyin, your sudden death is a big blow to me, to your children, siblings and everyone that knows you. However, we have all accepted it as it came. May your gentle soul rest with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Kehinde Ekunnrin

I am yet to face the reality of your death to date. Your death is so painful that it happened when you are about to start getting relieve on your children’s commitments. You remain my best friend in life and in death. I miss your uncommon love, care, counsel, advice and generosity. I am forever grateful to you.
Your decision to relocate to the United Kingdom was a last result to get a better life for your children, even without any support from your brothers and husband but to the glory of God Almighty that was accomplished before your death.
My Dearest, Loving and Caring Sister, Oladoyin, Abigail Ekunnrin-Onasanya good night.

Taye Ekunnrin

Abigail Oladoyin, we all your friends will miss you. You were a friend indeed, all the time ready to share other people’s burden. You were an epitome of love. You lived your life for your children, a mother to the core. We never thought that the journey would be so short, but God knows best. Rest in perfect peace, until we all shall meet on the resurrection day and part no more.

Iyabode Aderinto

Dearest Aunty,
The news of your passing is just too hard to swallow, you left us too soon. I keep asking myself, “Why do good people depart so soon”. Your kind words of advice and uplifting spirit keeps coming to memory since you left us. Thoughts of you often cross my mind since the devastating news was made known to me. The memories of the long conversations we often had whenever I picked Tara up after work and the wise, encouraging words of perseverance you gave when I eventually moved to Nigeria echo now in my mind and serve as a sad reminder that you are no longer with us. Your baby Tara was inconsolable upon hearing the news. You were more than a nanny but a grandma to her. She will never forget the traditional values, which you taught her. She will never forget those early morning lessons you gave her along the M25 on the way to school. Greetings in Yoruba, being respectful as an African girl and the morals with which you brought her up will remain with us forever. Aunty, I still cannot believe you are no longer with us. Words cannot express how dearly you will be missed. The memories of your presence and time shared together will forever remain in our hearts. May the peace of the Lord, which exceeds all understanding comfort, and strengthen Tunde, Yemisi, Deji and Itunu. You have left an amazing legacy. You brought them all up with unity and peace. I pray the peace of the Lord will forever remain with them, and lead them to greater heights. Sleep tight Aunty till we meet again to part no more. Adieu

With love, Yinka, Tara, Tire & Kenny Olaleye

Mrs Abigail Oladoyin Onasanya JP was known to me for over 20 years. She was one of my closest friends who I can vouch for as being trustworthy, very generous and God-fearing. We may have departed in body but I cannot forget her kind words and all the support that she had rendered to my family and me. I am saddened that she is no longer with us. It may take me a long time before I can accept the fact that she has departed onto life beyond. There are no words to express my sadness but I rest in the fact that she has gone to be with the Lord our Saviour who loves her more than we do.
Abigail was a good example of a model mother who cared for her children. She fought a good fight and was a champion of faith. The good woman had touched the lives of many people. Madam Abigail Onasanya was a woman with a broad mind and a big heart. She has left a great legacy for her children as she has successfully taught them how to persevere and to live in unity. She also taught them what it means to truly fear the Lord and how to live a Godly life within an ungodly community.
My good friend, you were a special woman loved by many and we shall remember you. Our words and cries cannot bring you back but you shall rest with the Lord. Goodbye until we meet again at the feet of our Saviour when we shall live to part no more. Your lovely friend.

Rev. Prophetess Foluke Fajoye

Mummy London as we call you, your departure was so heavy in our heart. Your impact in our lives can never be forgotten. You are a wonderful mother, a loving sister, and a loving sister-in-law. We love you but God loves you more. We shall meet to part no more.

Feyisayo Ikuborije Ekunnrin (Iya Soji)

If only we knew… Maybe we would have hugged you a little longer If only we knew…
Maybe we would have loved you a little dearer If only we knew…
We take solace in God’s comforting words And testimonies from the beautiful lives you touched We love you…
We miss you Goodnight Mummy

Feyisayo Ikuborije Ekunnrin (Iya Soji)

Grandma, thank you for being a lovely grandmother to me. I will miss you.

Love from Davina Ewulomi

No amount of words can bring you back to us, no amount of tears can bring you back. Aunty mi you are the best sister, when anyone comes to you in tears, they go back with joy and sleep well no matter how difficult the issue is, Aunty will settle the case without a grudge (Iya Alafia) Mother of peace rest in the bosom of your Lord.

Kadri Abigail Ebunlomo

Aunty just like yesterday, I remember all your smiles and advice on how to succeed in life. My champion Aunty, I still cry every time I remember that you are not here with us. I wish I came to see you earlier and show you more love. I feel guilty sometimes, but I know you understand as usual. Rest In Peace my special Aunty. Love you always.

Tosin Ogunjimi

The times and deliberations are over. Yet unfolding is another season. A period for us to walk side by side but without you. The world has lost an amazing woman- One who loved all and discriminated against none. She was full of love and compassion that even people older than her called her mum; she was indeed a mother of all.
Mum was a great woman! We could spend the next couple of eons describing the kind of mother she was, suffice to say, she was our mother. We are the product of the affection and dedication she showered. We owe our very essence to her. We have lost friends, lost our biological parents and now our comforter, friend, mother and mentor to that greatest of mysteries called death.
Mum’s sudden death has left us in state of shock with much grief and broken heartedness. It is really hard to understand how a caring and special person so dear to our heart had to leave so soon. The truth however is that those we really love are never truly gone. The body may have run its course, but the soul lives with us forever. We will forever remember your advice, the best you gave us, aiming to be good parents and love each other. We have learnt from your experiences and we know what is important in life, what to do and what not to do. What puts us in a much better position is the fact that we have JESUS. You gave us nothing but the BEST in all, you have always motivated and encouraged us.
Little did we know that 30 November 2016 was going to be the last time we would speak to you? We are therefore comforted by the fact that you are resting in the bosom of the almighty that knows the essence of life and death. We love you mummy, you will forever remain in our heart and we will forever make you proud.
May your soul rest in perfect peace. God be with you till we meet again. Amen.

Mr & Mrs Ewulomi

You were more than a Sister-in-law to me. We behaved to each other like Sisters. You were always fair, giving reliable advice and knowing the right steps to take at the right time. My Parents would say, ‘a woman like a man’, very energetic, helpful, enthusiastic and encouraging people around you. Keep smiling at the feet of our Lord Jesus, the best Aunt I ever knew.
Rest In Peace Iya ‘Itunu.

Mrs Remi Olusanya

Oladoyin Onasanya a.k.a Iya Deji, to come to terms with the thought of you not being around will remain the hardest thing to comprehend, but how can we fail to recall the wonderful memories you’ve given us all, the countless life lessons instilled and the source of guidance that you were. The years spent in Kaduna, with our children growing up together, you standing by our family morally and spiritually amidst all trials and obstacles. You were a pillar of strength all those years, you led so many families to Christ which I have no doubt will count for something up there. The vacuum that your loss has left can never be filled but your spirit will forever remain with us. Who are we to question God, after all God is kabi-o-ko si. Adieu, Iya deji, my good friend. You will forever be missed.

Savage Family

I know there are no words that can compensate for such a great loss. But here is a saying I saw a long time ago. It says: When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. My condolences to the family. God bless.

Seun Ewulomi

I always call her Abigail any time I meet her and that was only twice. There came this ever-smiling beautiful auntie coming right to me, to ask me what I wanted for a drink. Hmmmm I enquired about who she was and found out she was a replacement for my late sister Florence. The Love she showered to my entire family in Ghana during my late brother in Law’s funeral was out of this world. Oh nature how can you be so cruel? Always taking our best away maybe you have to change course and retain our best save them for the last. With tears in my eyes I say Rest In Peace, I know my tears will be wiped out because you are right in the abode of the Lord in heaven where you belong. You will always be remembered.

Obuoba Abankwa –Bombay

Just wanted to say goodbye in the way I never got the chance to and that you will always be loved and have the most special place in my heart and that of my children and grandchildren through your pictures and the memories I have of you. 1/12/2016 God called you home, extended His arms and opened Heavens Doors, Heaven is more beautiful because you are there, walking with the Angels in Jesus’s loving care. I will always love and miss you.

Love always,Susanna Ama Biamah (Maria Ewulomi’s Grandmother)

Mummy London was not just a sister in-law but a REAL mother. A good listener and a reliable confidant. Sun un re o my amiable mummy till we meet to part no more.

Mrs Idowu Ekunnrin

Mummy Oladoyin Onasanya was a great woman who supported my family. She will be missed by so many. May her soul rest in perfect peace.

Tosin Ewulomi

A mother’s love is irreplaceable which makes losing her to death a very painful experience. It is hard to accept your death especially when there wasn’t the chance to say goodbye because you were taken so suddenly and shockingly. You were such a lovely and bubbly woman. May the Good Lord keep you in His bosom. Rest in perfect peace.

Mr &Mrs Kodua-Maafo (Ghana)

Aunty Abigail was one of a kind for so many reasons. I visited her house on many occasions to see Yemisi and was always welcomed with open arms by Aunty, I often remember her sitting in the white living room watching the latest Naija films and smiling! She had such a warm, loving, kind-hearted spirit about her and was such a positive influence on me and on her children. I remember on more than one occasion I had asked her how she looked so young and what her secret was and then I heard Yemisi groan behind me, because she knew what was coming next, the Shea butter speech! Clearly Yemisi had heard this story more than once but for me it was my first time, it was funny because not only was she passionate about Shea butter but she was passionate about giving me some to try, this was typical of Aunty, doing her best to help everyone, ready to give everyone tips!

Aunty was also an amazing seamstress, she sewed many traditional outfits for me, in fact some of my best traditional outfits were sewn by Aunty, not to mention two bridesmaids dresses that she sewed for me. Her ability to multi-task, her efficiency and her positive attitude made her, a seamstress with a huge client list! Her work spoke for itself! I feel really blessed to have known her, to have spent time with her and to have been welcomed with open arms in the form of food, tips to use Shea butter and also allowing me to stay over when it got too late which happened more than once! It feels surreal that you’re gone, but God was ready to welcome you home so for that I am grateful for your life rather than mourning your death! Aunty if you are listening, I want to know that I loved you, you were very important to me and to many others! Thank you for your prayers, well wishes and more. I pray that you rest in eternal peace in heaven and that you watch over your children and grandchildren! You should be proud for they are shining examples of you. RIP and lots of love.

Caroline Alabi xxx

Oladoyin, mama Tunde, aya Owolabi is a virtuous woman in all of her ways. Oladoyin is far above rubies. A woman I have come to know before she was given into marriage to Owolabi, enthused her first child, Babatunde into my hands as a friend. She out of her own strength took care of my children when I was away from the county despite all odds. She is a true friend that is hard to find, you know when they stand on your behalf not for what they would gain but just knowing that it is the right thing to do. Oladoyin has done good in all her days, she gave to the poor and needy, bold in her ways but very respectful. She was full of grace as Proverbs 30 speaks much about her; above all she is a woman that fears the Lord. Oladoyin I am proud to call you a friend and a sister, even though for many years we were physically not close but we do catch up with each other and when we do we end up with praying together. I will miss you much especially your honest counsel. But I thank God that you found the Lord, you did not hesitate to bring in your family into that personal relationship with Christ and also going to bible school just to solidify your walk with the Lord and you did it till the end.

Adieu Oladoyin, I know God will keep all your children and grand children because the seed of the righteous shall be mighty upon the earth. Today they all stand at your gate and call you blessed to say Sun re ooo. Adieu!!!

Rev Mercy Bamkefa for Bamkefa/Adeyemo’s Family

The most beautiful soul in the world has gone. The most stylish woman, most courageous, best of every good human has been taken away. She always wanted everybody to be at peace, she wanted the best for everyone. Haaa! Igi to tó kiì pe nigbo. Good night my darling sister Oladoyin Aduke.

Eesa Oladosu Ekunnrin
The Eesa of Oke-Ode Land
(Head of the Kingmakers’ Council)

I MISS YOU, (Mama Tunde) as I used to call her, strong, honest, very hardworking, generous, courageous and peace loving, she was a counsellor, an empathizer and a lover of progress, I knew her since 1972 during the construction of Kabba/Omu-Aran Roads by Dumez Construction Company, supervised by the Federal Ministry of Works in which Engineer Onasanya the Husband was one of the Senior Staff. I was a Senior Student Nurse in ECWA School of Nursing and Midwifery, Egbe all in Kogi State Nigeria. Many of the student nurses loved Mama Tunde because of her loving character. I found myself getting closer than any other person. Wherever they go on transfer due to the nature of her husband’s work, I always visited the family. Her mother-in-law of blessed memory was very accommodating too. They were posted to Kaduna at last and I was not able to visit them as before except once with my Late Husband.
We lost contact for over twelve years (12) when she moved to London until Princess Feyi Ekunnrin gave me her contact number. The relationship started again and any time she is in Nigeria she either visited me in the Town where I work or I go to her in Lagos or wherever. Her last visit to Mrs Yemisi Towolawi her daughter in Lagos, I was with her and I saw no sign of sickness. We discussed and prayed over issues affecting me and shortly after which I got an answer to the prayer. She loved me, she knew all my challenges and she empathized.
During any family social gathering they took me as one of their family members because of Mama Tunde. Words cannot express the shock I had on hearing the news about the sudden demise on 1st December 2016. It is difficult to believe, but I cannot question God, He knows everything. Mama Tunde, I miss you, who can fill the vacuum?
My children Rotimi, Toyin and Shola are missing you. The joy you wished and prayed for in my family has been answered and how I wish you are there to witness the day with me.
Kato re rin, Odi Gbo, Kato re fon, Odo dan. Kato ri eni Bi Mama Tunde Odoju Ala. Sun re o, until we meet at
Jesus Feet.

Mrs. Grace O. Omodona Sanni

Dear Auntie Doyin,
Life is too short,
It’s not enough,
but we must understand,
That if we live it in love and faith
a road will be made.
For the day we pass away.
We can take it,
and wait at the end,
for those who once and always loved us
We will meet.
Your beautiful eyes,
so big and round,
showed love,
showed happiness,
showed laughter,
showed sadness,
but we will remember you as the happy beautiful
Auntie you are.
The one who once cried for love.
The one who once laughed.
We love you our dear Auntie Doyin as we call you
We miss you already,
but please wait,
we will meet once again with the Master.
In the Kingdom of Heaven
where no pain we will feel.

From The Owoeyes

Mummy I still can’t believe that you are no longer here with us on planet earth. Thank you for always welcoming me in your home and I will miss our little chats that we always had especially about Yoruba culture, kitchen utensils and being a woman in this society. You were not just Yemisi’s mum to me but also my mum.
I’m thankful and grateful to God for the good life you lived. I’m sad that you won’t be able to see me get married or my future kids. I will always tell them about you certainly. I admire your love for your family and I still remember saying to myself that I want to be a matriarch like you when I have my family.
It still hurts to know that you are not here. I will miss your Aduras (prayers) and yesterday I was on the train and a guy smiled at me and I remembered one of our conversations to always be prepared to meet anyone and doing good always. This I loved about you as you respected everyone even a little girl me.
Sleep well mummy, you are not gone as you live in my heart forever.

Love, Adesola Ajeibe aka Adesola baby

We fondly called her “Mummy London” in the house. A woman with a high sense of humor, selflessness and responsibilities. She had such a good heart, a listening ear with a broader shoulder to cry on. A pillar of immense support, a bridge, linking fractions. Her advises were like prophecies, her smile always soothing and welcoming. Above all, she was a prayer warrior with supplications for everyone.
Gone like a candle in the wind. I still feel like picking my phone to call her, to continue with our last discussions and usual lengthy gist. Her voice still rings in my ears.
May her sweet memories continue to burn bright. Iya oko bi omo iya. My mum, my big sister, my confidant, my solicitor, yeye oge, my fashionista, egbon Oladosu Aremu mi, omo onigun nila, omo alahere owo, sleep tight in the Lord. Sun re oo.

Atinuke Dosu-Ekunnrin

A few words may not suffice to pay tribute to a soul that departed the world sooner than she deserved. It’s been weeks since you were taken from us dear Aunt and mother, you are a gem that cannot be replaced. You are a symbol of love, selflessness and compassion. The lessons and words you say to me are as priceless as the sacrifices you made to the whole Ekunnrin family. Even now, secret tears still flow within my soul. What it means to lose you no one will ever know. I hope someday we will be the great family you wanted this family to be. Forever in my heart Chief Mrs. Abigail Oladoyin Ekunnrin Onasanya, J.P.

Afolabi Dosu-Ekunnrin

She was a disciplinarian.
She was a pillar that supported so many families in prayers.
She advised in time of trouble and worries.
She touched so many lives.
She did so many great things for me that I could never forget.
She was endowed with so many good qualities.
I can never forget my one and only favourite Aunt, big mummy, mummy London. Rest in peace.

Morolake Dosu-Ekunnrin

It pains me you died this soon. Whenever I heard you were coming to our house, I was always filled with joy. My dearest Aunt, before you departed you were a disciplinarian, you were also a pillar of support to people around you, you gave love and radiated happiness. May your beloved soul rest in peace. Amen.

Mayowa Dosu-Ekunnrin

My dearest Aunt, Mummy London, what a blessing and privilege it was to have you as part of our family. How I idolised you as a child, you were so beautiful, warm and loving. You gave me so much attention, always advising me to face my studies and be of good behaviour. You were the best Aunt in the world; it was so great to have you as part of Ekunnrin family.

Damilare Dosu-Ekunnrin

You will forever remain a good mother, but to me you are a great bridge maker. The gift of love you shared will last for eternity, and by the passing of each day, in my heart you will forever remain. Truly the bridge maker is gone, the bridge yet stands, and when I thread upon it everyday, I will always be blessed with that gift of love you shared. You were a blessing, and I still recall your last words to me. I trust GOD you are in a very blessed place with HIM. Your legend will forever stand because Warriors truly don’t fall.

Babajide Dosu-Ekunnrin

While our hearts are filled with sadness and tears but my memories are filled with smiles and laughter of the great times mummy shared with us over the years.
She was always my mummy in London and I always thought how lucky Yemisi was to have her mother so close when we were 16 years olds getting up to what we do best! I can still hear her voice ring through the corridor, on the way out in Beckton to be careful or come home early.
All her advice and prayers as we grew up and tackled life will never be forgotten. She helped me with the biblical meanings of the Yoruba names God had shown me for my kids and talked me through the importance of names (unbiased unlike my mum).
We have lost a real gem but her legacy will forever remain. Forever in our hearts.

Tribute to a dear mum and Grandma Sophia Fola Alo

I first met aunty over 20 years ago. Over the years, she has been a constant companion to our family and in turn I grew to love and respect her. She was so generous and this was evident during every family event. I will sure miss her cooking. She was so beautiful inside and out, her smile was so radiant and infectious. We attended a retreat together in 2012, during those 4 days I got to know her one on one and I confided in her a lot. My respect and love for her grew even more profound. She spoke to me like an equal and passed on a lot of words of wisdom, which I will never forget. I will miss speaking to her on the phone and hearing that calm sweet voice of hers. Losing her was such an unexpected shock. In a blink of an eye, I lost a mother figure, an aunt, a friend and a confidant. Our loss is Heaven’s gain. She may be gone, however she will never be forgotten. Aunty you are so loved and will forever be missed. Sleep well Heaven’s newest angel.

Your loving daughter Kemi Fajoye

Mama of our time, we cannot quantify your worth and quality of motherhood you extended to me and the entire family. You are a gem full of love and truthfulness. We are really missing you. Sleep well in the bosom of the Lord.

Oko Iyawo – Segun & Eunice Bakrin

Big mummy, your death took you away from us, when we were just about getting to know you. We are going to miss you dearly. Your ever-ready assistance and motherly cares cannot be forgotten. Big mummy rest in peace.

Emma, Favour, Miracle and Ellah Bakrin

Words are always written to exhume the character of the departed loved ones; it is pleasant or unpleasant, good or bad. Exaggerations are many, but that for my elder brother’s wife, Mama Tunde, Chief Mrs. Abigail Doyin Onasanya is in all honesty a positive reference point. She was a hard working stallion, full of ideas. She was never discouraged by distraction from any source, she simply, during her lifetime exude good nature. She lived according to her biblical name-Abigail. A uniting force she was. Goodnight mama Tunde, mama Yemisi, mama ‘Deji, mama Itunu, May her lovely soul rest in peace. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Daniel A Onasanya

She was full of life. And that is how most people will remember her. She was like a lioness, always ready to protect and nurture her cubs, and she did a great job of that. She dedicated her life to her four children and they all stand as a testament to her relentless commitment to raising greatness. I am eternally grateful to her for two of my biggest gifts. Tunde (her son) and Leo (her grandson). Yes, it seems she has gone too soon. Not enough time to make more happy memories. Not enough time to unlock her pearls of wisdom. But she died a proud mother and grandmother. Her heart was happy, I believe. She was a pillar, for her immediate family and many more people around her. If your life is judged by how much you give back, by the difference you made for others, then she lived hers to the fullest. So many people will have so many great stories, so many happy memories of her. I have been blessed to have such a warm and dedicated grandmother to our son Leo. She was happiest when she was caring for him, and she did it up until her last day. I am happy also to have given her that gift – the joys of a young grandchild who I saw bring her so much joy.
She is gone too soon, but she has left those around her with everything they ever needed from her, even if it doesn’t always feel like that.
Mommy, thank you for being you, unapologetically. You were a bold expression of motherhood, an inspiration as a person, and for me, as a woman. Your legacy continues in the greatness you left on this earth.

Adeola Ajayi

Mummy was such a lovely woman, kind and beautiful inside out. I knew you a bit more in Ghana. You were a woman of honour and looked out for all of us. You stood as our mother and made us feel like your own. No words can express this loss. You will be missed. Rest in perfect peace “sun re o”.

Tope Lawal (nee Ewulomi)

I remember when we met in Kwara State, even when I was in London you were so nice and very sweet to me. I am lost for words during this sorrowful time, I know that I am thinking of you and praying for peace and comfort. Someone as special as you will never be forgotten. You will remain in our hearts for as long as we live. Nothing rooted in love is ever lost, for it has become part of the living whole. I will forever miss you. I love you my friend. Rest on.

Iyabo Mustapha

O death where is thy sting
O grave where is thy victory
Mrs. Onasanya you were so radiant the day you visited your husband what a rude shock, we thank God for your life and your contribution towards the welfare of your husband in the home. You will be remembered as a heroine of your generation. You came to this world, you saw and you conquered. Glory be to God. Sleep well. Adieu.


O death where is thy sting
O grave where is thy victory
Mrs. Onasanya you were so radiant the day you visited your husband what a rude shock, we thank God for your life and your contribution towards the welfare of your husband in the home. You will be remembered as a heroine of your generation. You came to this world, you saw and you conquered. Glory be to God. Sleep well. Adieu.


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